Quantity | SI Unit | Symbol |
Lenght | meter | m |
Mass | kilogram | kg |
Time | second | s |
Current | ampere | A |
Temperature | Kelvin | K |
Amount of Substance | mole | mol |
Luminous intensity | candela | cd |
1.Every non zero digit is significant
2.Zeros between two significant digits are significant
3.Zeros to the right of a significant digit and a decimal point are significant
Factor | Name | Symbol |
1015 | Peta | P |
1012 | Tera | T |
109 | Giga | G |
106 | Mega | M |
103 | Kilo | k |
102 | Hecto | h |
101 | Deca | da |
10-3 | milli | m |
10-6 | micro | µ |
10-9 | nano | n |
10-12 | pico | p |
1. Simple conversion (fundamental unit to a prefix)
Example: 590.1g -> ng
2. Double conversion (prefix to a prefix)
Example: 706.0 Mm -> nm
3. Complex conversion (trick - denominator)
Example: 0.00705µg/s -> dag/hr
Precision for analog instruments: half the least increment
Precision for digital instruments: to the last measured digit
Random Error | Systematic Error |
-Fluctuations in measurements centered around the true value -Reduced by taking the average -Affects precision Examples: -Human error -Inconsistent room temperature |
-Fixed shift in measurement away from the true value -Affects accuracy Examples: -Zero offset error -Bad method of measurement -Incorrect callibration |
Vector | Scalar |
-Magnitude and Direction Examples: -Acceleration -Force -Displacement -Velocity |
-Magnitude Examples: -Time -Energy -Speed -Distance |
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